Volunteer with us!  


We have many opportunities to volunteer with the McMinn County Democratic Party.  Click on the link to sign up. If you have questions, feel free to email [email protected].
MCDP Volunteer Sign-Up page
Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
How would you like to volunteer? *
Please select all that apply.
  •  Make phone calls to Get Out the Vote
  •  Texting
  •  Attend local government meetings
  •  Meet with elected officials
  •  Help set up at festivals and parades
  •  Clean up crew at festivals
  •  Clean up for Adopt-A-Highway
Can we add you to our email list? *
  •  Yes
  •  No
Can we add you to our text list for volunteer opportunities? *
  •  Yes
  •  No
Any other info you want us to know?