Voting in 2020 has become more important than ever in the face of the COVID-19 crisis. The McMinn County Democratic Party is currently supporting initiatives to ensure safe elections in August and November, including ensuring no-excuse absentee voting is available to all Tennesseans. 

Join MCDP in this initiative and write elected officials. Click on the links below to download a letter to send to your elected officials. Contact and Social Media listed below. 

No Excuse Absentee Ballot Letter (Long Version)

No Excuse Absentee Ballot Letter (Short Version)

Addresses and contact information

Gov. Bill Lee
State Capitol 1st Floor
600 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd.
Nashville 37243
(615) 741.2001
Facebook & Twitter @GovBillLee

Secretary of State Tre Hargett
State Capitol
Nashville 37243-1102
Twitter @sectrehargett
Email: [email protected]

Sen. Mike Bell
261 County Rd. 757
Riceville 37370
Facebook @Mike Bell
Email: S[email protected]

Rep. Mark Cochran
McMinn County Courthouse
6 E. Madison Ave, Athens 37303
P.O. Box 466
Englewood 37329
Facebook @markforstaterep
Email: [email protected] 

Voter Registration

Register to vote / check voter registration status